The iBOS is to work with you to achieve your business goals by devising a right solution for the limitations and challenges
Plug-in our SOS team with your firm and have access to a wide spectrum of resources. We understand you and the challenges a small and medium firm has to face in terms of retaining skilled resources, maintaining quality standards and managing low recovery jobs. But don’t worry! iBOS team is around to help you out.
You’re an entrepreneur with a great idea and the vision to realise it. We’re here to help you do just that. We want you to focus on building your business whilst we provide background support. Your success and growth is what we exist for. We can help you on ….
We will take care of administration and management of your staff in Pakistan.
Use our technology and space. We can find right people for you. Save your cost – no visa, low salary, no hassle.
We can arrange accounting and auditing people per your requirement on flexible terms to suit your need
If you are a small audit and accounting practice firm, we can assist you achieving your quality objectives without incurring any significant cost.
If your business is transiting to IFRS or has come across with a complex accounting transaction, our AASR team is there to sort those out without any hassle and significant cost.
Our AARS team comprise of qualified professionals with years of experience in Middle East, Pakistan and UK practices.
iBOS is incorporated in Pakistan with an aim to facilitating Small and Medium businesses (Audit Firms in particular and wider industry in general) to achieving following three objectives
iBOS services are designed to ensure either there is no additional cost or only a trivial cost to the business but an economical, efficient and quality alternative that will help entrepreneurs to go beyond their capacity, resources and skills to expand their business and operations.
Our team is geared up to find personalised Solutions to your situations. We are not consultants or advisors to charge higher fee. We want to work with you, share your situations and our expertise to find the workable solution for your accounting, auditing and related administrative issues.
We are flexible in our pricing, a range of pricing model that you could Mix & Match to fit-in your business model
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